I am no gardener. I have thumbs (thankfully) but neither of them are remotely green.

do love quirky decorating ideas however, so I can definitely appreciate the ‘repurpose-all-things-imaginable-to-create-a-super-cool-planter’ craze concept that has been circulating Pinterest for quite some time now.
I’ve put together a roundup of 23 planter ideas made from repurposed items in, around or on your house! I can’t guarantee that said plants will thrive in these wonderfully creative containers but they will definitely add that unique touch to your home or garden.

1.An old Tonka car via The Magic Brush Inc

2. Egg shell planters by Kanani Higbee via Grillo Designs Gardening group

3. Tire planter via Diy Show Off

4. A picnic basket planter via Confessions Of A Plate Addict

5. Hanging Lampshade planter via Sadies Seasoned Goods

6. Cinder Block Planters via Grillo Designs blog

7. Rotted tree stump planters via My Repurposed Life

