30+ Beautiful Mini Fountain Models And Very Simple Way To Make

Beautiful and unique home design needs to be balanced between aesthetic and feng shui elements. It is great to have fountain designs with murmuring in the house. If the indoor space is not too large or you can only make a small beautiful garden, choosing a mini fountain is perfectly reasonable.

With compact sizes and diverse designs, these fountains will not take up much space but still ensure the harmony and beauty of the place where it is present. Let’s find out more details with A Dong garden in the following article.

mini water spray

Uses of mini fountains 

When the garden space does not allow homeowners to arrange large waterfalls and fountains, small – mini fountain designs are the perfect choice at this time.

Although the fountain is small, it is enough to make the garden full of energy, fresh and lively. With the sound of murmuring water, it will make people’s souls more relaxed and refreshed.

beautiful mini water spray

The cultures of Asians and Europeans are distinctly different. Asians use the element of water in a calm state, combined with trees and rockeries to create a sense of peace. Europeans use fountains to create water surfaces, dynamic waterfalls to create accents, more joyful vitality for the garden.

beautiful mini water spray

In addition, the mini fountain with cool water sprayed into the air also has a feng shui meaning to attract vitality and fortune to the owner.

The most beautiful mini fountain designs today

With the constant creativity of architects, there are more and more uniquely designed fountains. Below are mini fountain models suitable for each type of building space.

Indoor mini fountain

Indoor mini fountain is a small to medium sized fountain, combining the spray effects of artistic fountains with decorative miniatures, which can be placed in locations in the aquarium, on walls or in artificial water tanks.

Indoor mini fountain models  are usually quite simple in structure, you can even create and install your own signature mini fountain designs.

keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


keep spraying water in the house


Desktop mini fountain

Desktop mini fountain is a small sized fountain. The gentle murmuring sound of water is always a very good mental therapy to relieve stress, fatigue or need to rest and concentrate. Therefore, people often place mini desktop fountains in spaces such as workplaces, study, spa, spirituality, beliefs…

keep spraying water mini de ban


keep spraying water mini de ban


keep spraying water mini de ban


keep spraying water mini de ban


keep spraying water mini de ban


keep spraying water mini de ban


feng shui mini fountain 

The types of nozzles, sizes and positions according to feng shui of mini fountains are intended to attract more fortune. Here are a few models that many homeowners love and choose.

feng shui mini water spray




feng shui mini water spray


feng shui mini water spray


feng shui mini water spray


feng shui mini water spray


Garden mini fountain 

This type of fountain has the most variety in both size and design. In addition to the sprinkler system, the designs will be combined with other landscape decoration. This aims to increase the decorative beauty of garden premises, garden houses, outdoor spaces of buildings such as villas, villas, resorts …

spray water mini san vuon


spray water mini san vuon


spray water mini san vuon


spray water mini san vuon


spray water mini san vuon


spray water mini san vuon


Make your own very simple mini fountain at home

Making mini fountains for the garden, living room, house… of the family is the desire of many people. However, this is a relatively new field and requires many skills. Soon, we will introduce a way to help you make your own mini overflow fountain very simply with the following 6 steps.

Step 1: Prepare materials

To create a beautiful and impressive work, the preparation of raw materials is very important. The items you need to prepare include:

– Ceramic dish: 1 14″ dish (35.6 cm diameter), one 7″ dish (17.8 cm diameter), one 6″ dish (15.2 cm diameter) and three 4″ dishes (diameter 10 cm),

– Flower pots 4″ (10cm diameter) and 6″ (15.2cm diameter).

– Dedicated submersible pump and rubber hose

– Other supporting items: silicone glue, round file and drill…

mini water spray

Step 2: Spray and coat the ceramic plate with paint

Apply coating to ceramic discs for waterproofing and surface protection. Repeat 3 times to create 3 coats of paint. Note that the old paint layer has dried to become a new layer of paint.

mini water spray

Step 3: Drill and file the pots and plates

Submerge the remaining items in the basin of water to make it easier to drill and shape. Proceed to round 1 and file on the edges of the ceramic plate and flower pot as directed.

mini water spray

Step 4: Assemble the main fountain

Place the pump and attach the rubber hose. Insert the rubber hose through the pre-drilled holes. Cut off the excess of the tube and leave 1 about 1-1.5cm. Use silicone sealant to seal the edges around the tube.

mini water spray

Step 5: Assemble the rest of the fountain

Place the remaining ceramic discs with the center of the disc facing up and rotate the pre-filed directions so that the water flows exactly as desired. The trenches allow water to flow through, so if you have problems with circulation, you can deepen the trench so that the water can easily flow down.

mini water spray

Step 6: Complete the overflow mini fountain

Finally, add the necessary decorative miniatures if you want such as pebbles, rocks, plants, etc. to make the mini fountain more lively. Enjoy the product after it’s done

mini water spray