30+ Simple beautiful garden designs 2023 and design principles

Garden is a space that not only enhances the aesthetics of the building but also helps people relax, relieve stress and pressure in today’s life. In garden design , there are people who like unique novelties, there are people who like simple beautiful style…. Each different layout will bring different wonderful things to the homeowner. To design a simple beautiful garden, it is also necessary to follow certain rules. Because only then can we create a reasonable harmony between the details together. From there, create an overall structure that is suitable for the project and according to the wishes of the owner.

A beautiful garden is a work of art and affirms personal taste. But each homeowner has a view of beauty, the views may be contradictory. We find that the understanding of the principles of simple beautiful garden design in each person is assessed through two main factors. It is possible to create an impressive design for the viewer, the visitors and create the most peaceful and comfortable feeling for family members. In this article, A Dong garden will not hesitate to share information so that customers can find the most suitable garden model for their family.

Basic principles for simple beautiful garden design

The principle to create a beautiful garden design in general is to arrange and decorate the appropriate miniatures. Decoration of miniatures needs to satisfy the senses of the viewer and must ensure the best fit with the surrounding environment. In the following 5 principles, it is imperative that you follow the design when designing:

1. Repetition

The repetition in garden design is shaping the general design style for the whole space. Each style has its own characteristics and can be repeated. Knowing the layout will not make the garden boring. Even though it is a simple garden , it also needs to have a certain orientation and style.

2. Diversity

Surely everyone knows that nature is a combination of all things and is very diverse. In order for the garden to become more wonderful and people to be closest to nature, diversity will also be needed. It’s not just about design or decoration here, it’s about diversity throughout the garden. A beautiful garden will be combined by a number of trees, flowers, and grass, not simply all trees.

3. Balance

This is created by arranging the plants reasonably, balancing the space and the whole building. Also need to maintain that stability in the garden. The original design of the garden needs to be respected and maintained over time to create a unified whole. When you put the balance in simple beautiful garden design , of course it will create a great garden space.

4. Highlights

Every beautiful garden design should create highlights for the viewer. This is one of the most important factors to create a beautiful garden . Everyone has a different way of enjoying it. The emphasis can be on visual or auditory. One can look or hear, as long as it is satisfied in mind and soul.

5. About the sequence

The arrangement of miniatures in the garden must also be arranged in a certain sequence. They are often well thought out in one direction. This can help best connect elements in the same garden. Especially when you follow this, you will no longer have to worry about boring repetitions or imbalance.

Note when designing a simple beautiful garden

With the above basic principles, you must have figured out what to do to get a simple beautiful garden . However, do not ignore the following notes to make the garden more perfect.

Consistent with the main building architecture

A beautiful garden not only meets aesthetic and functional requirements, but also needs to match the main building architecture and the surrounding space. If your house has four-level Asian architecture, you should not have a Japanese-style garden layout . Or the architecture of the building is neoclassical, the garden can be arranged in modern or European style.

Selection of decorative garden accessories

Depending on the design, one can include appropriate decorative garden accessories to add value to the landscape. The basic accessories for a beautiful garden include:

– Garden paving stones

This is the most commonly found item in most garden spaces. It is used to make walkways, paths in the garden…. Each different type of garden paving stone will bring natural beauty and vibrancy to the space it is present in.

– Garden tiles

With the development of technology and manufacturing industry, all kinds of ceramic tiles were born. They are very diverse in types, colors and sizes. The types of garden tiles are used more and more because of their low cost, so the construction cost is also reduced quite a lot. However, the stability is not high and cannot withstand the load and is easily broken and mossy. Over time, it can affect the aesthetics of the whole garden.

– Garden lights

The lighting system will increase the beauty of the garden at night. Whether the designs are simple or complex, they help the space become more luxurious and eye-catching. Depending on the space, one can choose the right type of garden light . However, it should not be overused to avoid losing the natural beauty of the garden.


Choose the right tree

Each type of green tree has a different beauty and planting method. With simple beautiful garden spaces , it is necessary to consider more carefully in choosing. Do not arrange many types of plants or plant trees in a messy manner, causing unsightly. You can refer to the following types of plants:

– Single tree planting

The single plants planted are usually ornamental plants with beautiful shapes and arranged individually to create accents. These are usually bonsai or pruning trees. They are planted in a well-ventilated area and are not blocked by any elements.

– Planting trees in clusters

This arrangement usually applies to small trees or flowering plants. These plants are responsible for filling the empty spaces and creating a soft transition for the garden space. It also creates a variety of projections, enriched by the variety of colors that come from the colors of the leaves and different flowers.

– Planting trees in rows

Commonly found in walkways. The plants planted are straight-stemmed, neatly pruned. They are planted close to the side walls of buildings or in large garden spaces.

– Planting trees under the carpet

This type applies to grasses: Japanese grass, ginger grass, velvet grass…. They are usually grown for medium to large gardens. The garden has a lawn to create a smoothness and increase the green space. However, it needs regular pruning to create neat, flat and maintain aesthetics for a beautiful garden space .

Summary of the most beautiful and impressive simple garden samples in 2023

With practical experience and through the construction process at thousands of projects across the country, A Dong garden would like to synthesize simple garden models but still have great regional attraction. This is a great suggestion for homeowners looking for a beautiful garden design for their family space.