35 beautiful pictures of the lovely little bird Bushtit with a black throat and white, blue, and brown borders that harmonize on the body

35 beautiful pictures of the lovely little bird Bushtit with a black throat and white, blue, and brown borders that harmonize on the body

  • Black-throated Bushtitlack-throated BushtitAegithalos concinnus Ssp pulchellus Doi Lang Thailand March 2017 TH-BTBT-01
  • Black-throated BushtitAegithalos concinnus Ssp pulchellus Doi Lang Thailand March 2017 TH-BTBT-02
  • Black-throated BushtitAegithalos concinnus Ssp pulchellus Doi Lang Thailand March 2017 TH-BTBT-03Black-throated Tit (Aegithalos concinnus). Photos by Askar Isabekov in birds.watch.