The true beauty of childbirth through the first 25 tender moments between mother and baby

The true beauty of childbirth through the first 25 tender moments between mother and baby

These beautiful, raw moments reveal the wonder of new mothers bringing their babies into the world.

Birth photographer Paula Galvão’s breathtaking photos depict newborns delivered by doctors, crying as they take their first breaths.

One extraordinary shot captures a baby born via C-section, still encased in the amniotic sac.

Another portrays a woman in the painful throes of labor, holding onto her partner for support after a contraction.

But when the arduous marathon is over, Paula captures those tender moments between a mother and her newborn as they meet for the first time.

Paula, from Brazil, began taking photos of women in labor after the birth of her own daughter, Ingrid, who is now 17.

“I am very happy and fulfilled. Each birth brings a different emotion,” she said.

A mother clings to her partner in pain as a wave of contractions comes along.

A newborn cries as he is held for the first time, taking in the world around him.

The emotional moment a baby is pulled from his mother after hours of labor.

The first tender moments of a mother meeting her newborn baby.






A newborn sleeps peacefully after being born.

The emotional moment a baby takes its first breath as it emerges from his mother’s womb.