A Meaningful New Life for a Dog Shot 17 ᴛι̇ɱes

Carrying 17 bullet wounds, a dog subjected to violence in Lebanon has found a completely different life in the United Kingdom, becoming the beloved pet of a new owner.

Meet Maggie The Wonder Dog , a former street dog in Lebanon, had four bullets removed from her eyes which left her blind. Her ear was cut off but thankfully this has not affected her hearing.

By chance, a female soldier went to great lengths to rescue the stray dog from the war-torn region of Syria. Lebanon, being a war-ravaged country, poses numerous challenges for the lives of pets residing there.

Like ɱaпy other unfortunate dogs and cats, Maggie, a five-year-old dog, roamed the streets of Lebanon.

A few months ago, Maggie was discovered tied up in a box, missing one ear, blind, and deaf. At the ᴛι̇ɱe, she was also pregnant and lacked any care.

A ɱaп with a compassionate heart happened to spot Maggie while passing by and couldn’t bear to leave her behind. He transported her to the Wild at Heart Foundation, a rescue organization based in the UK dedicated to finding homes for homeless pets.

Poor health condition of the pet

After conducting a health examination on Maggie, the rescue staff was shocked to discover severe signs of abuse that she had endured.

In total, Maggie had been shot 17 ᴛι̇ɱes in the past two years. She carried 17 bullet wounds, leading the veterinarians to believe that her survival was truly a miracle.

Maggie underwent a complex treatment process, including multiple surgeries. Her ear and eye were stitched up, and both internal and external wounds were treated.

Maggie’s health gradually improved, and the rescue organization began sharing her story and circumstances, hoping that someone would decide to adopt her.

Empathizing with Maggie’s unique situation, Kasey Carlin, a 25-year-old woɱaп, registered to become her new owner.

Despite the challenges posed by Maggie’s health, the only obstacle between them was a distance of 2,500 miles.

Nevertheless, Carlin was willing to incur a significant cost to transport Maggie to the UK. The unfortunate dog embarked on a 2,500-mile journey by plane to her new home.

Becoming the pet of a new owner

Maggie was listed for adoption.

Carlin had gone through a difficult emotional period, but as soon as she saw Maggie at the airport, her spirits were immediately uplifted. Carlin recounted:

“I teared up when I first met Maggie at the airport. My family sympathizes greatly with Maggie’s extraordinary circumstances. I reached out to several rescue organizations to inquire about specialized care for her.

They advised allowing her to acclimate to the new environment by keeping her indoors. However, I found it surprising that Maggie quickly adapted to the new family.

She swiftly found her sleeping spot and signaled to me when she needed to go outside for a walk. Maggie clearly received excellent training.

It’s unimaginable what circumstances led to Maggie’s dire condition. Perhaps her previous owners couldn’t continue to provide for her.

Maggie wandered through life and suffered from someone’s appalling cruelty. Who could be so heartless as to shoot this innocent and pure creature 17 ᴛι̇ɱes?”

Despite enduring ɱaпy injuries in the past, Maggie has always shown friendliness towards huɱaпs.

Currently, Maggie is enrolled in therapy dog classes. Every week, she accompanies her owner to visit hospitals and schools, helping patients and students improve their mental well-being.

Maggie’s owner, Kasey Carlin, has also experienced a positive change in her own spirit since adopting the dog.