“Captivating Video: Last Two Cheetahs of Iconic Coalition Showcase Extraordinary Topi Chase”

In a stunning display of nature’s raw power, the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya witnessed an intense and adrenaline-pumping chase as two cheetahs relentlessly pursued a Topi. The breathtaking hunt was captured on camera by Ivan Glaser, a seasoned travel consultant and photographic guide, who shared the footage with LatestSightings.com.


Glaser, accompanied by his knowledgeable guide, Jackson Ronko from the Oltepesi Tented Safari Camp, patiently awaited the cheetahs’ hunting instincts to kick in. Spotting the two cheetahs resting under a bush in the scorching heat of the day, they settled in for what they believed would be a long wait. However, their expectations were shattered when a lone Topi unexpectedly darted towards the cheetahs, triggering an immediate transformation from rest to pursuit.


Ronko skillfully positioned their vehicle, anticipating the Topi’s potential escape route from the agile cheetahs. As the Topi sprinted along the ridge line towards them, the cheetahs sprang into action, launching their attack a mere 30 meters away from their strategic vantage point. Given the Topi’s substantial weight advantage, the cheetahs couldn’t solely rely on their strength to bring it down. Instead, they employed a clever tactic of clawing at the Topi’s legs, aiming to disrupt its balance and cause a fall. Once the prey stumbles, the hunt is typically over. Astonishingly, the entire hunt unfolded within a lightning-fast 30 seconds.


These two cheetahs are the surviving members of the renowned “Tano Bora” coalition, a group of five cheetahs that captivated the Maasai Mara for many years. Sadly, three members of the coalition met their demise over the past two years, with two falling victim to internal conflicts and one succumbing to a lion’s attack. These two remaining cheetahs, now approximately 8.5 years old, primarily target larger game such as Topis and adult zebras, even though their consumption is limited due to their smaller size. Their pursuit of these substantial prey indicates that they may lack the speed required to catch more nimble gazelles.


Glaser emphasizes that capturing exceptional images of cheetah hunts requires more than just photographic skills. Understanding the animals’ behavior and the terrain is crucial to positioning oneself for optimal viewing of the chase. This is where the expertise of a skilled guide like Ronko comes into play, ensuring the best possible vantage point.

This incredible footage of the two cheetahs successfully taking down a Topi serves as a powerful reminder of the simultaneous beauty and brutality of nature, underscoring the importance of conservation efforts aimed at safeguarding these magnificent animals.