An Unbreakable Bond: The Extraordinary Love Story of Cameron the Lion and Zabu the Tiger


A captivating tale unfolds as an unlikely love story takes center stage at Big Cat Rescue in Florida. Meet Cameron, the majestic maneless lion, and Zabu, a beautiful white tiger, who have formed an inseparable bond.


Their extraordinary journey began with a daring escape from a roadside zoo in New England. Born in 2000, Cameron and Zabu were initially intended for breeding ligers, a hybrid of lions and tigers. However, in 2004, they were rescued and brought to the sanctuary, where they found refuge from a life of exploitation.


During their early days at the sanctuary, Cameron was severely underweight, while Zabu, a mix of Siberian and Bengal tiger, had a genetic anomaly that caused a shortened upper lip, revealing her teeth. Despite their challenging pasts, the rescue team recognized the strong bond between them and created a spacious natural enclosure for the duo to share.


To prevent further breeding, Cameron underwent a vasectomy. However, as Zabu continued to go into heat, Cameron’s possessiveness and aggression escalated. In an effort to address the situation, Zabu was spayed, which provided temporary relief until Cameron’s behavior resurfaced.


To find a long-term solution, the rescue team faced a difficult decision—separating the inseparable couple or neutering Cameron. Ultimately, they chose the latter, resulting in the loss of Cameron’s mane. Nevertheless, this sacrifice allowed him to stay by Zabu’s side, solidifying their extraordinary bond.




In their shared enclosure, Zabu’s energy and playful nature often wake the sleepy Cameron. In return, Cameron lavishes Zabu with affectionate licks, cuddles, and nuzzles. Their interaction is a heartwarming testament to the power of love, transcending species boundaries.