3 Lions Join Forces to Capture and Tear Apart a Solitary Buffalo

A series of images captures a lioness pouncing on a lone buffalo from behind, with two other male lions coming to assist. While resting in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania this past April, 51-year-old British photographer Nick Dale witnessed the intense scene of three lions hunting down a buffalo.

Using his Nikon D810 camera from the comfort of a jeep parked several hundred meters away, Dale described this encounter as one of the most remarkable moments in his entire career.

The photo sequence depicts one lioness attacking the prey from behind, followed by the participation of two other lions. As the trio of wild hunters prepared to bring down their quarry, a fourth lion joined in the feast. Eventually, the entire hunting party formed a line and indulged in their hard-earned triumph.

Firstly, one lion initiates the assault on the prey.

Other lions begin to join the hunt.

The buffalo is helpless against the deep bites inflicted by the hunting pack.

Four lions line up to devour their prey.

“Captivating! That’s the only word to describe it. Rarely do you witness a kill happening so close to your jeep that you can’t miss a single moment,” exclaimed Dale, the photographer.

“Once four male lions get involved, one of them will suffocate the buffalo, starting with a bite around its neck and then biting into its face. When it comes time to eat, the lion pride will form a queue in front of their conquest,” Dale recounted the incredible scene he witnessed.