Heartbreaking Story of Mother Dog Giving Birth to 6 Disabled Puppies Thrown on the Streets

Heartbreaking Story of Mother Dog Giving Birth to 6 Disabled Puppies Thrown on the Streets

This is truly the saddest story we have ever witnessed in our lives. This mother dog and her 6 disabled puppies were heartlessly abandoned by their owners.

They discarded them on the street after she gave birth to the disabled puppies. All six little puppies were born with congenital defects. They were born without front legs. Many speculated that the mother dog wasn’t properly cared for during her pregnancy.

Who could bear to leave these adorable puppies on the street like this?

The moment the mother nurses her disabled litter, a heart-wrenching moment.

A Compassionate Mother in Sorrow for Her Young Disabled Offspring

Finally, the grandmother of the disabled puppies also shows a kind-hearted attitude

The contentment of the mother after ensuring she is in safe hands

The mother and the disabled child are transported to a safe place

A rescue worker played with the disabled puppies, ensuring their safety as well as the safety of their mother.