Watch the Orange-breasted trogon: the bird paints the sky with vibrant colors and celebrates the dawn with its melodious song.

Watch the Orange-breasted trogon: the bird paints the sky with vibrant colors and celebrates the dawn with its melodious song.

Orange-breasted trogon

Harpactes oreskios, Coenraad Jacob Temminck, 1823

The orange-breasted trogon (Harpactes oreskios) is a ѕрeсіeѕ of bird in the family Trogonidae.

Distribution and habitat

The trogon is found in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, humid, lower-to-middle elevation evergreen forests, swampy forests, open dry forests, bamboo forests, thin tree jungles, and sometimes among clumps of trees near forests.


Orange-breasted trogons generally have an olive-yellow һeаd with feathers that are bristled and upright, chestnut upperparts, orange breast that changes to bright yellow on upper and lower portions, white bars on wing sections, and a blue bill.

Males have a dull olive-yellowish һeаd with a blue ring; rufous (reddish brown) upperparts and upper tail with paler rump (lower part of back); broad white bars on wing sections; and yellow (grey-based) upper breast with some white along the mid-line. Females have additional grey-brown on һeаd and upperparts; pale buffy-brown rump, grey breast; and yellow lower underparts. Juveniles are similar to females, with young males having warmer brown upperparts.

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Category / Seasonal Status