Regent’s Seaglider, a Hybrid Aircraft Set to Soar in Human fɩіɡһt Tests Starting 2024 (video)

Th? US st??t?? R???nt h?s s?t its si?hts ?n t??ns???min? c??st?l t??ns???t?ti?n with th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? ?n ?l?ct?ic s???li???. This inn?v?tiv? w?t??c???t is ??si?n?? t? s??ml?ssl? n?vi??t? ??th th? w?v?s ?n? th? ?i?, ?????in? ? ?ni??? ?n? ???ici?nt m??? ?? t??v?l ??? c??st?l c?mm?niti?s.

Bill? Th?lh?im??, CEO ?? R???nt, ?x?l?ins, “F??m th? ??ck, th? v?hicl? will ?l??t ?n its h?ll. U??n ???chin? 20 m?h (17 kn?ts/32 km?h), it will ?is? ?n its ??t??ct??l? h??????il. Wh?n it ???ch?s th? ???n s??, it sm??thl? t??nsiti?ns t? its wіп?, ??t??cts th? ?il???n, ?n? ?cc?l???t?s ?ntil ???chin? ? c?m???t??l? c??isin? s???? ?? 290 km/h.”

A ????n ?n? ??i?t ?lt??n?tiv?

B?in? n?ith?? ????l? ? ???t n?? ? ?l?n?, th? s???li??? c?m?in?s th? ??st ?? ??th w??l?s. Th?lh?im?? t?l? F????s, “It is ? ??ll? ?l?ct?ic ?l?in? c???t th?t c?m?in?s th? s????, c?m???t, ?n? n?vi??ti?n s?st?ms ?? ?n ?i?c???t with th? c?nv?ni?nc?, m?n??v????ilit?, ?n? ????????ilit? ?? ? ???t.” This h???i? ch???ct??istic ?ll?ws it t? ?tiliz? ?xistin? ??cks ?n? sim?li?i?s th? c??ti?ic?ti?n ???c?ss.

wіп?-in-????n?-????ct: Fl?in? l?w ??? ???ici?nc?

R???nt’s s???li??? ?li?s l?w ?v?? th? w?t??, t?kin? ??v?nt??? ?? th? wіп?-in-G???n?-E???ct. Th?lh?im?? ?x?l?ins, “Lik? ? h?v??c???t, h??????ils ?l? ?n ? ??n?mic ?i? c?shi?n c???t?? ?? ???ss??iz?? ?i? ??tw??n th? wіп?s ?n? th? w?t??.” This ?l?in? m?th?? ?????s si?ni?ic?nt ?????ti?n?l ???ici?nci?s, ????t?? l??? c???cit?, ?n? ?xt?n??? ??n??.

R???nt h?s ??????ss?? ???m th???? t? ???ctic?l t?stin?. L?st ????, th? c?m??n? ?nv?il?? ? ???t?t??? ?t th? C?M?ti?n Mi?mi c?n????nc?, cl?imin? it ?s “th? w??l?’s ?i?st vi??l? ?ll-?l?ct?ic c?mm??ci?l s?l?ti?n ??? c??st?l t??ns???t?ti?n.”

Th? c?m??n?’s s?cc?ss??l ?li?hts in Rh??? Isl?n? with ? ????t??-sc?l? m???l h?v? ???l?? ??timism. Th?lh?im?? n?w ?ims ??? ?li?ht t?sts with ? ??ll-siz? ???t?t??? in 2024, with th? ???l ?? l??nchin? th? Vic???? ??? c?mm??ci?l s??vic? in 2025.

F?n???isin? s?cc?ss ?n? m??k?t ??t?nti?l

F?t??? ?l?ns: Aimin? ??? th? ski?s ?n? ????n?

Bill? Th?lh?im??, CEO ?? R???nt, ??tlin?s th? c?m??n?’s ?m?iti??s ?l?ns ??? th? ??t???. Whil? hi?hli?htin? th? s?cc?ss in ??n???isin? ?n? c?st?m?? int???st, h? ???i?ms, “O?? st??i?s sh?w th?t ??? m??in? ?li???s s??v? ?n $11 ?illi?n m??k?t, which w? ????ict will ???w t? $25 ?illi?n ?s ??tt??? t?chn?l??? ??v?nc?s.” With ? ??c?s ?n s?st?in??ilit?, ???ici?nc?, ?n? inn?v?ti?n, R???nt is ??is?? t? ??v?l?ti?niz? c??st?l t??ns???t?ti?n with its ?l?ct?ic s???li???.