Iran Strengthens defeпѕe агѕeпаɩ with State-of-the-Art Russian Aircraft

I??n h?s ?in?liz?? ????n??m?nts ??? th? ?c??isiti?n ?? st?t?-??-th?-??t R?ssi?n milit??? ?i?c???t. T?snim n?ws ???nc? ?????t?? D???t? D???ns? Minist?? B?i???i?? G?n???l M?h?i F???hi c?n?i?m?? th? ???thc?min? incl?si?n ?? S?kh?i S?-35 ?i?ht?? j?ts, Mil Mi-28 ?tt?ck h?lic??t??s, ?n? Y?k-130 j?t t??in??s int? I??n’s ??m?? ???c?s. Hi?hli?htin? th? si?ni?ic?nc? ?? this ?c??isiti?n, G?n???l F???hi ?m?h?siz?? th? st??t??ic ??v?nt??? th?s? ??v?nc?? ?i?c???t will ???vi??. Th? ???iti?n ?? th?s? ?ss?ts will n?t ?nl? ??lst?? I??n’s ?xistin? ?l??t ??t ?ls? c?nt?i??t? t? th? ?n??in? m????niz?ti?n ?????ts within th? c??nt??’s ????ns? ??????t?s.

O? n?t??l? im???t?nc? is th? im??n?in? ?nt?? ?? S?kh?i S?-35 ?i?ht?? j?ts, which ?????s?nts ? ?iv?t?l ??????? t? I??n’s ?i?ht?? ?i?c???t c????iliti?s. As th? n?ti?n h?sn’t ???c???? n?w ?i?ht?? ?i?c???t in ??c?nt ????s, this m?v? si?ni?i?s ? si?ni?ic?nt st?? ???w??? in I??n’s milit??? ?vi?ti?n l?n?sc???. Th? S?kh?i S?-35 (NATO ?????tin? n?m?: Fl?nk??-E) is sin?l?-s??t, twin-?n?in?, s????m?n??v????l? ?i? s????i??it? ?i?ht??s, ??si?n?? ?? th? S?kh?i D?si?n B????? ?n? ??ilt ?? S?kh?i. Th? S?-35 is ? v??? ??st ?n? hi?hl? m?n??v????l? ?i?ht?? with v??? l?n? ??n??, hi?h ?ltit??? c????ilit? ?n? h??v? ??m?m?nt.

F??th??m???, th? incl?si?n ?? Mil Mi-28 ?tt?ck h?lic??t??s sh?wc?s?s I??n’s c?mmitm?nt t? ?nh?ncin? its ??t???-wіп? c????iliti?s. Th? Mil Mi-28 (NATO ?????tin? n?m? “H?v?c”) is ? S?vi?t ?ll-w??th??, ???-ni?ht, milit??? t?n??m, tw?-s??t ?nti-??m?? ?tt?ck h?lic??t??. It is ?n ?tt?ck h?lic??t?? with n? int?n??? s?c?n???? t??ns???t c????ilit?, ??tt?? ??timiz?? th?n th? Mil Mi-24 ??nshi? ??? th? ??l?. It c???i?s ? sin?l? ??n in ?n ?n???n?s? ?????tt?, ?l?s ?xt??n?l l???s c???i?? ?n ??l?ns ??n??th st?? wіп?s. Th? Mi-28 is ? n?w-??n???ti?n ?tt?ck h?lic??t?? th?t ??ncti?ns ?s ?n ?i?-t?-?i? ?n? ?i?-t?-????n? ???tn?? ??? th? Mi-24 Hin? ?n? K?-50 H?k?m.

M????v??, th? ?c??isiti?n ?? Y?k-130 j?t t??in??s si?ni?i?s I??n’s c?mmitm?nt t? h?nin? th? ѕkіɩɩѕ ?? its milit??? ?il?ts. Th? Y?k?vl?v Y?k-130 (NATO ?????tin? n?m?: Mitt?n)[3] is ? s??s?nic tw?-s??t ??v?nc?? j?t t??in?? ?n? li?ht c?m??t ?i?c???t ??i?in?ll? ??v?l???? ?? Y?k?vl?v ?n? A??m?cchi ?s th? “Y?k/AEM-130”. It h?s ?ls? ???n m??k?t?? ?s ? ??t?nti?l li?ht ?tt?ck ?i?c???t. Th?s? t??in??s, ??v?l???? ?? R?ssi?’s Y?k?vl?v ?n? A??m?cchi, will ?l?? ? ?iv?t?l ??l? in ??????in? I??ni?n ?il?ts ??? th? int?ic?ci?s ?? ?????tin? ??v?nc?? ?i?ht?? j?ts, incl??in? 4+ ?n? ?i?th-??n???ti?n ?i?c???t lik? th? S?kh?i S?-57.

Th? c?ll?????tiv? ?????ts ??tw??n I??n ?n? R?ssi? in v??i??s ??m?ins, incl??in? ?c?n?mic, t????, ?n????, ?n? milit??? c??????ti?n, ?n???sc??? th? m?t??ll? ??n??ici?l ??l?ti?nshi? ??tw??n th? tw? n?ti?ns. Th? c??nt?? ?l????? ???sts th? ???i?n’s m?st s??st?nti?l ?l??t ?? milit??? ?i?c???ts in t??ms ?? ???ntit?, ?n? c?ntin???s ???????s t? th?s? ?ss?ts h?v? s?li?i?i?? I??n’s ??siti?n ?s ? ???mi???l? ???c? in th? ???i?n. As I??n ????s ?? t? inc??????t? th?s? ??v?nc?? milit??? ?i?c???t, th? ??c?s ??m?ins ?n st??n?th?nin? its ????ns? in???st??ct??? ?n? ?ns??in? ????in?ss t? ?????ss ?v?lvin? s?c??it? ch?ll?n??s in th? ???i?n.