Explore the beautiful world of Slate-throated Redstart: Bellies are red in Mexico, orange-red in Northern Central America and yellow from Costa Rica to South America.

Active and attractive warbler of highlands and foothills.

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Sexes look alike: head and upperparts slaty gray with blacker face and small rusty cap.

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Belly is red in Mexico, orange-red in northern Central America, and yellow from Costa Rica to South America.

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White-tipped tail is usually fanned and flapped side-to-side.

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Favors evergreen and pine-oak forest and edge, and cloud forest in the Andes.

Slate-throated Redstart - fernando Burgalin Sequeria

Usually in pairs, foraging mainly at low to middle levels, at times even on the ground. Frequently joins mixed-species feeding flocks.

Larvenwaldsänger, slate-throated redstart, myioborus miniatus - costa rica - Naturschule-Neues aus Ecuador