CMV-22B: The ⱱeгѕаtіɩe Aircraft Supporting Carrier Delivery and Aerial Refueling Missions

One of the oldest aircraft employed by the United States Navy on its aircraft carriers will soon be bidding us farewell. The turbopropped, decked C-2A Greyhound, produced by Northrop Grumman in the 1960s, will be replaced by the CMV-22B, which will enter service in 2024.In today’s video, we are going to cover the technical features and advantages the CMV-22B has over its predecessor.


The C-2A Greyhound turboprop, manufactured by Northrop Grumman in the 1960s, will leave the scene by 2024 for the CMV-22B to enter service. “The CMV-22B brings expanded capabilities not only to the carrier onboard delivery mission, but to the high-end fight,” said U.S. Navy Captain Dewon Chaney, Commodore, Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Wing. “We are anxious to get it to the fleet and show off its immense capabilities and agile flexibility.”
