Explore the beautiful world of the Yellow-backed Weaver, a bird that stands out in the sky

Golden-backed Weaver

Scientific Name: Ploceus jacksoni

Malay Name: Tempua Tudung Belakang Emas

Alternative Name(s): Jackson’s Weaver

Range: Breeding Range: (AF) s South Sudan to Tanzania.

Taxonomy: Monotypic.

Size: 15 cm

Identification: Male is bright yellow, with black һeаd and chrome orange underparts. Female is dull yellow; told from Baya Weaver female by less prominent streaks on wings and more yellow than brown.

Habitat: Grasslands.

Ьeһаⱱіoᴜг/Ecology: Builds teardrop shaped nests, similar to Baya Weaver.

Local Status: Uncommon introduced resident

Conservation Status: Least сoпсeгп (BirdLife International 2018)

Location: Lorong Halus, Neo Tiew Harvest Lane, Kranji Marshes.