Severely injured Elephant begging for life in a forest

This elephant was found critically injured in the forest and was unable to stand. The poor giant has been starving for a long period as he was unable to move in search of food due to severe injury in the feet. The elephant is emaciated and it looked like a skeleton just covered with skin.

Heart melted wild life officers quickly leapt in to action. Before starting the treatment, the animal should be boosted up to regain energy to the body. Therefore, first they gave saline to the animal. Then washed the wound with water and cleaned it with antiseptic liquids. Flies were moving around the wound. After cleaning they packed povidone iodine ointment on the wound.

Then they injected antibiotic to the elephant to aid a speedy recovery and boost the immunity. Few hours later the elephant regained its consciousness after the saline treatment. Then the wildlife officers together with the nearby villagers strived to make the animal stand .But it was a difficult task. They had to end the mission for that day as it was getting darker in the evening. The elephant will recover soon and will walk in to the jungle by his own foot. Happy to say, She is recovered after continuous treatment.