Yellow-crowned Gonolek (Laniarius barbarus), a 22 cm long bird with a long tail and short wings, is common in Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo east to Ethiopia.

The yellow-crowned gonolek (Laniarius barbarus), also known as the common gonolek, is 22 cm long bird with a long tail and short wings. In its adult form, the male is a ѕtᴜппіпɡ bird, although easily oⱱeгɩooked as he spends most of his time lurking in the undergrowth. He has solidly black upperparts apart from his golden crown, and scarlet underparts finished off with a buff-yellow undertail.

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Males and females look very much alike, though juveniles tend to look pale and dull.


The Yellow-crowned Gonolek is a common bird in equatorial Africa from Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo east to Ethiopia.

These birds frequent habitats made up of dense undergrowth in forests and other wooded areas. It is not as shy as some other bushshrikes, and can sometimes be seen on watered hotel lawns.


The Yellow-crowned Gonolek likes to dine on insects located in bushes or on the ground.