Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)

Jigme Dorji National Park, Bhutan

I encountered this species many times during my time in Bhutan, but rarely in clear view like this. In fact I thought I was missing out on yet another clear shot here, as it was deep inside a raspberry thicket, gorging in yellow rubus berries. I’m not certain which species, it’s likely Rubus ellipticus (golden Himalayan raspberry).

Countless times I’ve experience the birds take off from inside the thicket next to me and downhill and out of sight, but this time I was in luck as when it was full it sat here just long enough for me to capture it.

Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)


Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)


Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)


Striated Laughingthrush (Grammatoptila striata)