Amazing 26 images of couples born in the year: 4 identical girls and 1 boy

The babies are “all growing well since their birth on Feb. 16,” according to the hospital, where Haylee and Shawn Ladner celebrated the holiday with their four identical girls and a boy.
A Mississippi couple who welcomed quintuplets in February recently celebrated their first Easter together as a family. They posed for a pair of pictures to mark the occasion.
Haylee and Shawn Ladner snuggled with their newborns, who are still in the neonatal intensive care unit at Children’s of Mississippi, for a photo that was shared on the hospital’s Facebook page on Wednesday.
In another image, all five babies — identical girls Adalyn Elizabeth, Everleigh Rose, Malley Kate, and Magnolia Mae, as well as their brother, Jake Easton — are lined up beside each other, swaddled in Easter attire, peacefully napping in a crib.
The babies are “all growing well since their birth on Feb. 16,” according to a statement from the hospital.
The Ladners’ five new babies were born via Cesarean section at 28 weeks and one day at the Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants nearly two months ago, as announced by the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) in February.
The incidence of quintuplets is rare, according to doctors. Dr. Rachael Morris, an associate professor of maternal fetal medicine who delivered the babies and provided prenatal care for Haylee, stated that “Reports of spontaneous quintuplets vary but are about 1 in 60 million.” She also mentioned the rarity of identical quadruplets.
The couple conceived with the help of intrauterine insemination, as noted by the hospital. During the pregnancy, one egg divided into four parts, creating the identical quadruplets, while another remained intact and developed into their son.
Haylee was admitted to the hospital on Jan. 11 for monitoring her progress. Dr. Morris described her as the strongest mother she had ever met and praised the couple’s commitment and determination.
The couple closely worked with Dr. Morris throughout the pregnancy, and they documented their journey to parenthood on their YouTube channel, “Five Little Ladners.”
Adalyn was the first to be born at 9:19 a.m., followed by Everleigh, Malley, Magnolia, and Jake, who was born last at 9:23 a.m.
In a Facebook post on March 28, Haylee shared that three of the babies had just had their first baths, with Everleigh not being a fan and Jake seeming to enjoy it. She expressed her pride in all her babies and how blessed she felt to have them.
The care for Haylee and the babies has been a collaborative effort involving UMMC Women’s Care, the Center for Maternal and Fetal Care, Wiser Hospital for Women and Infants, Children’s of Mississippi, and its Center for Newborn Medicine, as mentioned in a Facebook post by Children’s of Mississippi regarding the parents’ visit for the Easter holiday.