Amazing: Baby born in amniotic sac with long, straight legs and unopened mouth

Amazing: Baby born in amniotic sac with long, straight legs and unopened mouth

Ge boy was born while still inside the amniotic sac, with long, straight legs and a closed mouth.

According to the elders, any child born in the sac will have a highly fortunate life, filled with luck and happiness.

With a ratio of 1 in 80,000 births, cases where the baby remains inside the sac provide a unique experience for both the mother and the delivery team. In cases of twins, it is often the second baby who remains in the sac. Many believe that perhaps the older sibling wanted to bestow all the blessings upon their younger sibling.

.The Provincial Pediatric Hospital in Phu Tho recently shared adorable pictures of a baby snugly nestled inside the amniotic sac after birth. The doctors in the Obstetrics Department successfully performed a surgery for a 28-year-old pregnant woman carrying twins at 31 weeks and 4 days, with the second baby still inside the sac.

While eating legs, the midwife suddenly caught the baby.

It is known that the expectant mother, N.T.T. (residing in Minh Phu commune, Doan Hung district, Phu Tho province), was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain, premature rupture of membranes, and a 4 cm dilated cervix, necessitating the surgical removal of the fetus. During the delivery of the twin pair, the first baby boy was born smoothly. However, the doctors were surprised when the second baby was still inside the sac, requiring them to open the amniotic sac and bring the baby out, followed by cutting the umbilical cord. The respective weights of the two babies were 1.9 kg and 1.5 kg.

A special characteristic of this baby is its rosy lips and straight legs, which have captured the hearts of many. The baby’s expressions after birth are incredibly adorable. Wrapped inside the amniotic sac, with its head near its feet like a contortionist, sometimes the baby even puts its cute mouth on its toes, despite not having any teeth yet.

It’s still early for someone to take care of the house.

Similarly, in early March, a rare case occurred at the Vietnam-Sweden Hospital in Uong Bi. A first-time pregnant woman carrying twins, at 36 weeks, experienced abdominal pain and premature rupture of membranes. The first baby girl was born smoothly, weighing 2.5 kg. Then, the second baby boy was still in the sac, necessitating the doctors to open the amniotic sac and cut the umbilical cord. The baby boy weighed 2 kg.

The doctors explained that normally, during the preparation for childbirth, the amniotic sac ruptures under the influence of uterine contractions during the mother’s labor or the medical procedures performed by the doctors during surgery. Cases where babies are born while still inside the sac are extremely rare, accounting for only 1 in 80,000 births. Moreover, the occurrence of a twin pair with one baby being born inside the sac is even rarer.