Black-faced Dacnis stands as a vibrant thread, weaving a tale of beauty, cooperation, and survival. Its existence serves as a reminder of the intricate relationships and vibrant colors that grace our world, a testament to the remarkable diversity of life that flourishes amidst the treetops.

Black-faced Dacnis - eBird

In the intricate tapestry of avian diversity, the Black-faced Dacnis (Dacnis lineata) emerges as a captivating masterpiece, bedecked with vibrant hues and a striking demeanor. This exquisite bird, belonging to the Thraupidae family, showcases a distinctive blend of colors, from rich blues to velvet black, accompanied by touches of white and yellow that create an enchanting symphony of shades.


Adorned with an azure crown and nape, the Black-faced Dacnis is a sight to behold, its wings boasting fringes that echo the same hues. The males, in particular, stand out as alluring figures of nature’s artistry. Their underbellies shimmer in shades of blue, contrasted by a snowy white or, in certain sub-species, a sunny yellow belly. An ebony mask elegantly traces the contours of their face, enveloping their eyes and stretching gracefully to their tail. An arresting yellow iris punctuates the composition, while their gray bills, legs, and feet serve as harmonious complements.

The female Black-faced Dacnis possesses her own understated charm, cloaked in olive-green hues on her upper body, transitioning to a subdued greyish tone underneath. Yet, it is the male’s remarkable appearance that captures the imagination and lures the gaze of admirers.

Native to regions spanning from Bolivia to Colombia, Brazil to Venezuela, Guyana to Suriname, and more, the Black-faced Dacnis finds its haven in the Amazon and Chocó-Magdalena. Its habitat includes humid forests, as well as flooded and swampy areas. In these lush environs, the bird feeds on an array of sustenance, including fruits, berries, seeds, and insects. Foraging high in the treetops, at elevations ranging from 10 to 50 meters above ground, they navigate the upper canopy with grace. Sometimes, their culinary quest takes them lower, to the shrubbery below.

During the breeding season, a harmonious partnership unfolds between male and female, as they laboriously construct their nest together. The female incubates the three to five eggs while the male dutifully attends to her nourishment. Both parents partake in rearing the young, ensuring their growth until they are ready to take flight.

Remarkably, the Black-faced Dacnis boasts a population distributed over a vast range, which fortunately shields it from approaching the thresholds for population decline criteria according to the IUCN Red List.

In the rich tapestry of nature’s wonders, the Black-faced Dacnis stands as a vibrant thread, weaving a tale of beauty, cooperation, and survival. Its existence serves as a reminder of the intricate relationships and vibrant colors that grace our world, a testament to the remarkable diversity of life that flourishes amidst the treetops.

Black-faced Dacnis - Dacnis lineata - Birds of the World