Blue Capped Rock Thrush: Male has white wing-patch, blue crown and throat, and orange rump and underparts; bright coloration obscured by pale fringes in non-breeding and first-winter plumages. Female has uniform olive-brown upperparts, including tail; lacks buff neck-patch.

Blue-capped Rock-Thrush - eBird


Medium sized, compact tree dwelling rock-thrush. Male has white wing-patch, blue crown and throat, and orange rump and underparts; bright coloration obscured by pale fringes in non-breeding and first-winter plumages. Female has uniform olive-brown upperparts, including tail; lacks buff neck-patch.


Uncommon summer visitor south-western parts of Ghizer and Diamer, up to Gilgit district. Occurs in open pine and oak forests and rocky grass-covered slopes with scattered trees, up to 3000m; winters lower in moist forest and well-wooded areas.


Forages by scanning from tree perch and dropping to ground; also seeks food in trees, searching on trunks and branches. On ground, turns over leaf litter with bill; occasionally sallies after flying insects. Varied diet according to season, including insects, snails, worms, small lizards and frogs, berries, seeds.