The Blue-crowned Hanging Parrots (Loriculus galgulus) are a species of parrots that are native to Singapore and other countries in the surrounding region. They can often be found in our urban parks and gardens. Despite their frequent high-pitched calls resonating throughout the neighborhood, they are not easily spotted due to their small size and excellent camouflage among the tall green leaves.

The male Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot is primarily adorned in vibrant green feathers, except for a blue crown resembling brushstrokes, patches of orange on the back, and a touch of red on the breast. Adding to this artistic display, it appears as if the male parrot’s tail was dipped into a can of bright red paint.

The female has a similar appearance to the male but with less vivid colors overall and lacks the red breast patch. Juveniles of this species have a lighter bill compared to the adults.

Blue-crowned Hanging Parrots are known for their acrobatic skills and their ability to hang upside down while foraging for food. They primarily feed on fruits, flowers, nectar, and occasionally small insects.

In addition to mangoes, we have also witnessed them indulging in the fruits of palm trees…