Buffalo Is Attacked By Crocodiles, And Then The Dramatic Rescue Of The Hippopotamus

Seeing an antelope about to become the delicious prey of a crocodile, a hippo bravely rushed to fight the crocodile. The hippopotamus is generally known to be a heavy and slow animal. However, in addition to the minus point in appearance, hippos always know how to score points for their brave actions. When he saw an antelope about to become the prey of a crocodile, a hippo in the Masai Mara (Kenya) bravely rushed to fight the crocodile for many hours. Photographer Vadim Onishchenko, who witnessed the action firsthand, said: “It’s true. The hippo tries to use all its strength to push its prey away from the crocodile. Hippos may be the only animals. I’m not afraid of alligators. I went back to Hippo’s Brave Action in marine. When we left, the hippopotamus was still trying to save the antelope and it didn’t seem to be dead at all.” “It was an unforgettable moment and I felt honored to witness it. Even our guide was amazed by the hippo’s actions.”

The antelope was caught by the crocodile.

The brave hippo rushes to save the antelope.

Observe your opponent before you shoot.


The crocodile  noticed the point and pulled the prey near the river bank.

Hippo chasing crocodile.

The hippopotamus tries to push the antelope out of the crocodile’s mouth.