Desperate race against the clock to rescue a dog with a severe eye injury in urgent need of assistance.

Desperate race against the clock to rescue a dog with a severe eye injury in urgent need of assistance.


When a dog was discovered almost drowning in a puddle filled with trash and in terrible conditions, the heroes who found him were moved to tears. Their actions in response to this situation touched people’s hearts and reminded us of the kindness that still exists in humanity. It is important to remember that life on the streets can be one of the worst experiences for a pet, and unfortunately, there are far too many stories and cases that prove this to be true.


Jeevith is the main character in an episode that has the potential to change how we view abandoned dogs and cats, inspiring us to take action to protect these vulnerable animals. The episode features a dog who was completely paralyzed and unable to move, with her body unresponsive.

She was in a helpless condition, suffering from dehydration, malnutrition, and illness, making her an easy target for parasites and other pests. Unfortunately, we cannot share the video of her rescue due to some disturbing scenes, but the images that follow will surely bring warmth to your heart.

Fortunately, Jeevith was rescued thanks to a kind-hearted individual who reported her dire condition on Facebook. This post caught the attention of Kannan Animal Welfare, a local rescue organization in Uttar Pradesh, India. Without delay, they sprang into action since the photos clearly showed the poor dog was in urgent need of assistance.

The moment they laid eyes on her, they knew that the challenge ahead would not be an easy one. It was clear that the pet’s survival depended greatly on their resolve and determination, but they refused to give up. The dog had suffered serious injuries at the hands of some pests, particularly in one of her eyes. Although they could not save her right eye, it did not dampen their spirits as they were determined to nurse her back to health.

According to the rescuers, every veterinarian they consulted advised them to euthanize the animal to relieve her from pain, except Max Vets.