Explore the unique world of the Pintail Manakin that inhabits southeastern Brazil from Bahia to Santa Catarina

Explore the unique world of the Pintail Manakin that inhabits southeastern Brazil from Bahia to Santa Catarina

Pin-tailed ManakinIlicura militaris

The Pin-tailed Manakin is distributed in south-east Brazil from Bahia to Santa Catarina. Boa Nova, where photos 1 to 3 were taken is probably the northern limit. It is a Brazilian endemic and is found in Atlantic Rain Forest and secondary woodland.

The male has a red forehead and red lower back while the rest of the upperparts are black with some olive on the wings. The central feathers on the tail are elongated and give a pointed look. The iris is orange. The female, seen here in photo 4 is olive above with a grey face and paler underparts. It also has an orange iris.

The male displays are solitary but within hearing distance of other males.

It eats fruit and insects.

There are recordings and a distribution map on xeno-canto and additional information is available via Avibase.


The male measuring 12.5 cm and female, 11 cm including an extension tail. It presents the typical sexual dimorphism of the genre, with the male having four colors: white, green, black and red, in a very striking pattern; the female is olive gray parts in the upper and sides of the head and throat, with the tail in less prolonged than the male. It presents vocalization or called in shrill, and attends shaded areas to middle and low height of the vegetation.


Normally lives alone, being observed more frequently feeding on fruit trees and bushes, on the edges of forests. It can be found in the areas of Atlantic forest in southern and southeastern Brazil.