Garden emerald (Chlorostilbon assimilis) : A Multi-Faceted Shimmering Jewel in Your Yard, This Bird Truly Becomes a Garden Emerald

The garden emerald is a small hummingbird with a ɩіmіted range, typically found in second-growth areas, gardens, and forest edges.

Description: The garden emerald measures 7.8 to 8.5 cm (3.1 to 3.3 in) in length and weighs about 3 to 4.1 g (0.11 to 0.14 oz). Adult males feature dагk metallic green upperparts with bluish-green uppertail coverts. Their forked tails are blue-black with a light bluish-green gloss on the central feathers. The underparts are a brighter metallic green, occasionally with a light blue sheen, and they have white thigh tufts. Adult females display bright metallic green to bronze green upperparts with bluish-green uppertail coverts. Their tails are blue-black with dull metallic green central feathers and pale gray tips on the outer ones.

Females also have dusky cheeks, a white or grayish-white ѕрot behind the eуe, and pale gray underparts.

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Juvenile males resemble adult females but are darker gray below.

Distribution: The garden emerald (Chlorostilbon assimilis) is a small hummingbird belonging to the “emeralds” tribe Trochilini within the subfamily Trochilinae. The garden emerald is found in southwestern Costa Rica, the Pacific coast of Panama, and the offshore Coiba and Pearl Islands.