Giving birth at home and a mother’s most raw and captivating experiences are captured through 35 birth images that move viewers

The world has changed so much in the last 6 months…and yet birth remains just as powerful and poignant as ever before.

Since COVID began, I’ve had the sacred honor to document births in a huge variety of birth locations in Denver – from homebirths to birth centers to hospitals and even the OR. I’m immensely grateful to each birth space and provider who recognized just how important these images can be for birthing families.

It’s about more than a pretty picture – birth imagery can help you process and integrate one of the most important and transformative days in your life. And since so many birthing people can no longer have their loved ones attend their birth…having images and video can allow friends and family to still witness their special day.

These images matter, now more and than ever, and I’m honored that I get to show these families (and the world) just how strong and beautiful these parents are. Giving birth during a pandemic is no small feat, and I celebrate you and the incredible work you’ve done to bring your babies earthside.














