Innocent baby elephant became a victim of brutal trap set by cruel people

A poor baby elephant with badly injured mouth found laying in the ground unable to move or eat anything due to the severe injury. The innocent elephant has become a victim of explosive trap set by the villagers.

Most of the villagers have been used to set explosive trap to protect their harvest from elephant. The innocent elephant was suffering hard, as the injury was at its mouth. This type of expolsive trap has been specially designed to attack the mouth parts of the animals.

Poor baby couldn’t eat anything as the injury was at the mouth. So the elephant has been starving from a long period and finally has fallen in to the ground as there’s no any strength in the body without food. When the wild life officers found the elephant he was laying to death. Kind-hearted wild life officers quickly leapt in to action to save the life of the poor elephant. First they realized that further dehydration should be prevented from elephant’s body. So they covered the elephant’s body with some leaves from trees. Then the baby elephant should be boosted up to regain it’s lost energy. So they gave saline treatment to the elephant. Then after they injected some antibiotics to the elephant to aid a speedy recovery from the severe injury in the mouth. Few hours after the treatment the elephant showed some signs of recovery . Then the officers together with some villagers pulled the elephant to make the animal stand. Finally the mission was succeeded. The elephant was able to stand by it self and hobbled slowly to the jungle.