Large in size, the white-throated kingfisher is 27–28 cm (10.6–11.0 in) in length. The adult’s wings, tail, and back are all Ьгіɩɩіапt blue. Its breast and throat are white, while its һeаd, shoulders, fɩапkѕ, and lower abdomen are all chestnut in colour. The legs and big bill have a vivid сгіmѕoп colour. The blue and black wings have big white patches that are noticeable when flying.

When you are taking the picture of White Throated Kingfisher then sometimes, you get a chance to capture its dive to capture insects.
White-Throated Kingfisher is widely distributed in Asia from Turkey to the Philippines. This bird enjoys staying at a single place or location, though, sometimes it may make small movements.

In the wild or in forests, you can sometimes find groups of White Throated Kingfisher birds with juvenile White-throated Kingfishers and we can see them doing many activities as shown in the pictures below. However, to see this, you need to go near their habitat.

White-Throated Kingfisher always remains focused on catching the insect and make a sudden dive to catch it. White-Throated Kingfisher bird loves to search for food alone; though they can be found in a social environment when near to their nests. They take care of their kids well.

We can find slight variations in their colors as per the location, In the above two pictures of white-throated Kingfisher, you can see bluish color or wings while in the next four pictures, you can see the greenish color of the wings.
The above two pictures were taken at Harike Wetland near Ferozpur (Punjab) and below four pictures were taken near Ropar (Punja). Therefore, this bird is a common sight in most of Punjab (India).