It’s impossible to resist the cuteness of the Golden Bird of Prey (Tangara arthus), these birds live in the northwestern region of South America.
The Golden Tanager at first glance may resemble a bit the Silver-throated Tanager due to their similar body form, however the Golden is much darker in coloration with an orange body, and lacks the distinctive white throat of the Silver-thorated. Instead, it features a black ear patch. The back has heavy black markings all around, and the wings also are very contrasty. They readily come to fruit feeders and shares a space with other tanagers and honeycreepers.

The golden tanager (Tangara arthus) is one of the birds that belong to the Thraupidae family of animals. These birds live in the north-western regions of South America. You can find them in abundance in the mountains and forests of Venezuela, Bolivia, and the Andes.
These birds are small and pretty, with a trailing sound that makes spotting them a mesmerizing experience for wanderers. Even though they are cute, there hasn’t been any record of keeping them as pets. In fact, in a few regions keeping them as pets is considered illegal as they are wild birds.
The golden tanager has a subspecies that looks just slightly different than the original species. These birds have a bright plumage which makes them even more attractive. They are monogamous birds, and males take care of the females by bringing them food during the breeding season. The pair are known to build their nest together with the help of dried leaves, fiber, and stems.
Keep on reading to know more about these pretty birds. For fact files about similar species, check summer tanager and turquoise tanager.