Magpie Tanager is large and unmistakable with its long black-and-white tail, yellow iris and blue-black hood, and lives around the Amazon basin and in southeastern Brazil.


The Magpie Tanagers (Cissopis leveriana) averages 26 to 29 cm in length and weighs 69-76 g. They are very noisy.

Distribution and Habitat:

They can be found in the Andes in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru; as well as in Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia at elevations between 1200-2000 m.

They are seen in river floodplains and forest edges among grass and shrubs but also occur in plantations near human settlements.


Magpie Tanager is a tanager that eats seed fruits and insects.


Cup nest lined with grass, leaves, or other plant materials. Located near the ground on short trees or in shrubs in dense vegetation.

Clutch size 2 eggs red/brown with brown spots. Captive birds incubate eggs for 12 to 13 days.