Meet the beautiful Mithu parrot and share my memories with pictures of Indian parrots
Scene 1, Bangalore Karnataka
I saw these two couples hanging out on the berry tree in front of my rooftop in Bangalore. They were pretty shy and conscious of me clicking their photos. But didn’t stop eating for a moment.
The males have the black-red rings around their necks.

They only left when a kite came above them. When the parrots saw the kite they flew away dropping the berries.

Scene 2, Bangalore Karnataka
We had a African Tulip tree right behind our house. And when the tree was in bloom and its bean-like fruits ripened, Indian ring necked parakeets flew to it in flocks. Here’s one hungry parrot baby bird and her parents.

Scene 3, Bangalore Karnataka
The same African Tulip tree with a different set of parents eating out of the ripe fruits. The seed inside the fruit is like white cotton.

Scene 4, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
Our hotel was on the banks of the Beas river in Mandi. From my balcony I could see the river. On the many tall trees rising out of the river perched big groups of Alexandrine parakeets (the red stripes on the wings). We were there in the rainy season so the birds sat quietly on the trees getting soaked in the rain. I watched them for hours. Seeing the Alexandrine parrots so up close above a gorgeous misty river was really pleasing.