Miraculous birth moment: The father accompanied his wife to welcome the twins right at home with indescribable happiness

When I moved to Michigan, Ashley was one of the first people who reached out to connect with me. In 2018, Ashley came to my house to do a photo shoot with her oldest daughter. At that time, she was nursing her first baby and Ashley pregnant with her second baby.

Fast forward to 2020, she hired me for the birth of their 3rd child. At about 20 weeks into the pregnancy, I got a text from Ashley that said: “Hey Jenn! Soooooo, I’m having twins!!! Just updating you on that. Babies seem to be measuring right on track!” There might have been a few emojis in there as well 😉 What a shock!!!

After a lot of consideration, Ashley decided to move forward with her homebirth. Her babies were in 2 different sacs, but shared 1 placenta. She was monitored carefully throughout her pregnancy and when August came, we all thought THIS was the month she’d have those babies… So when September 1st came and went and she was nearing 41 weeks pregnant, we were all shocked. Ashley had contractions on and off for weeks (prodromal labor) and were all ready to head to her birth at a moments notice.

At 41 weeks, the midwife came to check her, she was having light contractions and was 7cm dilated. I had a feeling these babies would come in the next day or so – and I drove the hour and a half drive to her house. THANK GOODNESS I DID! When I arrived around 6pm, Ashley was smiling and talking, using the breast pump and having some consistent contractions. She had a few that were intense, and that was all I needed to know things were going to start soon! Their family was finishing up dinner and the sun was starting to set in the field. It was a perfect summer night. She continued to have contractions, some were light, and she had to stop and focus through a few of them. I remember thinking, ‘maybe we will have babies by midnight’, little did I know what was about to happen…

Ashley went into her bedroom and her daughter wanted to nurse. As they lay on the bed together, I could see Ashley’s belly tighten and she grimaced. Things were getting more intense. Ashley’s dear friend, Jess, was there to watch the girls during the labor and birth. Jess took the girls outside to play. Her husband was helping the midwives blow up the birth pool and I was in the bedroom with Ashley.

She got up, moved around, and went to the bathroom. Things got intense quickly. Within a minute, she had a contraction and started to push. I said “are you feeling pushy” she nodded. I ran out to the other room to tell the midwives and came back in. Just a few seconds later, Baby A was born. After an extremely precipitous birth, and weeks of prodromal labor, one of the babies was here. Ashley gave birth, standing in the door frame to her bedroom/bathroom, and Baby A was a baby girl. Wow!

We were all surprised things happened so quickly, but Ashley might have been the most surprised. She was smiling and laughing, not believing that just happened. Her supportive husband, Jake, was right there to help catch the baby and to support Ashley. He continued to speak positive and encouraging words throughout labor and was a wonderful support to her, as you can see in the photos below.

After a few minutes, we got Ashley to sit on the bed with her baby. The baby had a short cord, and they wanted to keep the cords intact, if possible. She started to have contractions again and I could see her closing her eyes and going into the labor zone. In between contractions, she was able to look at her daughter, and to hold her. I remember thinking what a unique time to have just given birth, and to be holding your baby, only to do it again!

The midwives continued to check Baby B and everything was great! Baby was head down (they have a portable ultrasound machine) and Ashley could feel the baby coming down. After about 30 minutes and a few pushes, Baby B was born into his father’s waiting hands. Baby B was a little boy! After 3 girls, a son.

The midwives helped Ashley to lay down, and continued to watch her, give her fluids and to check in with her. She was processing what had just happened! It was fast, super fast! Twins at 41 weeks, born at home, after weeks of prodromal labor and about 20 minutes of active labor.

Photos start at 6:10pm…



Jess had brought over beads to make jewelry. This went well for a little bit…but after a few minutes….



This is when labor started to get really intense….it’s only a few minutes from this frame until Baby A is born! 7:16


The dog knew what was about to happen….7:21pm


Baby A is here at 7:25pm







I love this moment. In between contractions, she was able to really meet her daughter.




7:51pm Baby B is born. Their children were playing outside, just as their first brother came into this world!




Jake was continually in awe of his wife and how she handled the birth of their babies. She WAS amazing and he told her so!
















If you are interested in having your birth documented. I’d love to chat with you!