“Monster of the Waters: Massive 1,000-Pound Sturgeon Caught in US Waters”


A giant sturgeon, weighing over 1,000 pounds and estimated to be over 100 years old, has been caught, setting a new record in the United States. The remarkable catch was made by officials from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on the Wolf River near Shawano. Measuring a staggering 87.5 inches in length and weighing over 240 pounds, this sturgeon is believed to be approximately 125 years old.


After being tagged, the fish was released back into the water to complete its spawning cycle. It belongs to the thriving population of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system, where the DNR regularly tags and releases these magnificent fish. The sturgeon population in the system is on the rise, with more fish reaching maturity.



This particular sturgeon has witnessed significant historical events throughout its long life. Sturgeon biologist Ron Bruch has created a timeline of the fish’s life events, from its hatching in 1887 to its capture in 2012 during its 25th spawning run. The sturgeon has survived 38 spearing seasons on Lake Winnebago and ten seasons on the Upriver Lakes. Although this sturgeon is the largest ever caught in the U.S. and likely the oldest fish ever captured, even larger sturgeons lurk in the waters of Canada.






The capture of this record-breaking sturgeon provides essential data for population research and sturgeon restoration initiatives in Wisconsin and other states. Some of the fish’s eggs and milt are collected to assist with these initiatives. The capture and release of this sturgeon highlight the importance of protecting and preserving these incredible fish species.