A mother has beaten the odds of 200,000 to one to give birth to extremely rare identical triplets.
Jenna Edeson, 27, gave birth to 3lbs 6oz Tommy, 3lb 5oz Henry, and 3lb 6oz Alfie after 31 weeks of pregnancy.
The naturally conceived babies spent five weeks in Hull and East Yorkshire Women and Children’s Hospital and are now home and doing well with Ms Edeson and her fiancé Graeme Robinson, 27.

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A mother has beaten odds of 200,000 to one to give birth to identical triplets- Tommy, Alfie and Henry
But the couple say telling the boys apart is going to be difficult so they plan to dress them in different brightly coloured sleep suits.
Triplets occur around once in every 4,400 pregnancies and about 60 per cent are thought to be the result of fertility enhancing treatments.
The chances of having identical triplets are about one in every six triplet pregnancies.
The Multiple Birth Foundation says there is about a one in 10,000 chance of having triplets naturally and that only about four or five identical sets are born in the UK each year.
Ms Edeson, who was in labour for just two hours and gave birth on February 3 this year, said: ‘I found out I was having triplets early on.

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Jenna Edeson and her partner, Graeme Robinson, conceived the triplets naturally making them extremely rare. They are pictured with their oldest child, three-year-old Hayden

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The triplets were born after 31 weeks of pregnancy. Tommy weighed 3lb 6oz, Henry weighted 3lb 5oz and Alfie weighed 3lb 60z
‘It was seven-and-a-half weeks in to my pregnancy and we were really shocked.
‘The pregnancy was really good – I didn’t suffer any morning sickness. By the end I was carrying 11lb of babies – it is not common.
‘The doctors have said it is really rare to have identical triplets, especially considering I conceived them naturally.
‘I had to try and rest as much as possible and just take it easy.’
Ms Edeson, of Bridlington, in East Riding of Yorkshire, already has a son, three-year-old Hayden.

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The triplets are all now at home and doing well – they spent just five weeks in hospital after their birth

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Ms Edeson says her family were shocked when she told them she was having triplets
She said: ‘It is confusing and it is hard to tell them apart, but they are good babies and they are not really that noisy.
‘I would say that Tommy is the loudest but Alfie does get loud when he knows it’s feeding time.
‘Henry is the cheeky one – he’s got a cheeky little smile. I was excited and I couldn’t wait to get them home. It is going alright.
‘I have got them in a rhythm where I feed one after another. They are all well.
‘Graeme loves them to bits and our family were all shocked to find out about the triplets.’