Powerful and beautiful moment of giving birth underwater when welcoming my baby into the world after 9 months of heavy labor.



So many people have chosen to forgo the hospital for childbirth because of Covid… but what happens when you’re planning an out of hospital birth and test positive for covid…at 37 weeks?

That’s what happened to Kate, and it was quite a difficult time for her, as you’ll see.  But you’ll also see that Kate’s quite resourceful, and her experience certainly makes for an action-packed episode.

In fact, topics covered in this episode include: teen pregnancy, a forced induction, unexpected pregnancy, testing covid positive at 37 weeks, birth center births and becoming a midwife.

Considering a water birth? Here's what you need to know | Life

Before we get into this incredible story, I’d love to take a moment to thank our reviewer of the week, KianaMichelleR. And I just have to say, that review was so deeply touching to me, Kiana.  Thank you for such a kind and specific compliment, it truly meant so much to me.  And, it’s a great opportunity for me to just stop and say thank you to all of you for listening.  I know sometimes it’s weird, and podcasts seem like a one way relationship, but I feel like I know you guys, too.  And I genuinely care about you.  So thank you for making this such a lovely space.  Kiana, if you’ll email me at [email protected] I’d love to send you Happy Homebirth podcast sticker.

And hey, if you get a moment, would you head over to apple podcasts to leave a *hopefully* 5 star rating, and maybe even a review?  It’s a free, easy way to support the show and make sure this information gets into the ears of other mothers who would benefit from it.

Okay, that’s good for now.  Let’s get into the good part.

Please remember the opinions of my guests may not necessarily reflect my own and vice versa, and neither one of us are medical professionals, so continue to see your doctor, midwife, or if you’re like me, your chiropractor.

Show Notes

At 16, Kate decided to get pregnant.  The relationship disintegrated during the pregnancy, but her mother was great support.

She didn’t get great childbirth education for that birth.

Ep 115: Covid Positive at 37 Weeks... Where Will Kate Give Birth? — Happy Homebirth

She did her best to breastfeed her first, but she’d never seen anyone nurse before.  The breastfeeding relationship lasted 6 weeks.

With her second pregnancy, she waited until she was in a good relationship (5 years later) before becoming pregnant.

Wanted a girl but didn’t want to know the gender, but the ultrasound tech accidentally gave away that it was a boy at 15 weeks.

She was in pre-nursing school at this time.

A Secret Homebirth After 2 Cesareans — Happy Homebirth

At 37 weeks, she had one high blood pressure reading, so they recommended induction.  She was only 1 cm dilated and baby at -3 station, yet they broke her water.  Luckily, there were no complications.

2 hours later she was complete.  The nurse told her to do a practice push, and the baby began crowning.  The nurse shoved her legs together and told her not to push.  She waited 10-15 minutes for the Dr to come in from a C-section.

She’d asked for delayed cord clamping, but the Dr. Clamped it immediately after birth.

Home Birth - Santa Cruz Midwives

The nursing staff made the baby take formula because he had jaundice, and she was incredibly disappointed with that.

Went back to work at 4 weeks postpartum.

10 months postpartum, she jokingly took an ovulation test with a friend— it was such a strong positive, that she worried that the HCG was high meaning she was actually pregnant.  She took 3 pregnancy tests.

Strong Like Mama Blog Tagged "birth"

Her husband had just told her that he didn’t want more kids— so she was terrified when she found out that she was actually pregnant.

One month later she found out that she’d been accepted into nursing school.

Kate used podcasts, especially Happy Homebirth, to prepare for her pregnancy.  She couldn’t go to a childbirth education program in person because of covid, so this was her form of preparation and even almost “hypnosis”

With all that was going on, and her inability to start nursing school in August, she began looking into schooling to become a Certified Professional Midwife.

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At 37 weeks, they found out that her husband was positive for covid.  Kate tested negative at that time.  She was absolutely crushed and frustrated.  She knew she wouldn’t be able to go to the birth center for 10 days.

Her midwife advised her that if she were to go into labor within the next 10 days that she go to the hospital— which Kate was not willing to do.

She searched high and low, and finally found a midwife who agreed that she would attend her birth at home if she went into labor within the next 10 days.  That night she started having contractions and was concerned that it was time.  The midwife told her to take a shower and see how things went-  Luckily the contractions calmed down and she stayed pregnant.

The 100% Messy, Bloody, Unfiltered Reality Of Having A Home Birth | YourTango

On Oct 8th she had some minor contractions, but she didn’t think much of them because of the previous false alarm.

Decided to go to the birth center that evening to get checked.  When she arrived, another mother was there having a decently long labor.  She was in the birth room Kate had wanted!

Kate laid on the peanut ball for several contractions, and suddenly she was in very active labor.

Kate got in the birth pool at 9 cm, and she soon began to push.  She only pushed 3 times,

She remembers that her husband said something to the baby, and the baby looked up at him directly.

Kate loved the fact that her birth team completely respected her wishes.

She did a cord burning, which she loved so that all could be involved.

She loved the fact that while she was settling down, she could hear a mother in the next room beginning to push.