Prepare to embark on a journey into the realm of enchantment, where nature’s splendor takes the form of a feathered masterpiece—the Emerald Starling. As its name suggests, this avian marvel is a true gem, a living jewel that ignites the senses with its resplendent emerald green plumage and iridescent hues.


Sáo Bích vùng Tây Phi - Emerald starling/Iris glossy starling (Lamprotornis iris)(Sturnidae) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 3.1 : Da… | Starling, Species, Iris


Prepare to embark on a journey into the realm of enchantment, where nature’s splendor takes the form of a feathered masterpiece—the Emerald Starling. As its name suggests, this avian marvel is a true gem, a living jewel that ignites the senses with its resplendent emerald green plumage and iridescent hues. Behold a spectacle that appears as though a precious emerald has sprouted wings and taken flight before your very eyes!

Hailing from the tropical havens of Africa, the Emerald Starling is a showstopper in the world of ornithology. Its sleek and compact physique is bedecked in a tapestry of feathers that exude a luminous emerald glow. When it graces the sky with its flight, its wings come alive, shimmering like a cascade of polished gemstones reflecting the kiss of sunlight—a sight that evokes a sense of wonder and admiration.

Yet, the Emerald Starling is more than an aesthetic marvel; it is a songbird that serenades the air with melodious tunes. Its warbles and trills weave a symphony of sweet melodies that dance upon the breeze. During courtship rituals, male Emerald Starlings showcase their musical prowess, rendering intricate songs to captivate potential mates. The allure of its voice rivals the allure of its resplendent appearance.

Encountering an Emerald Starling in its natural habitat is akin to stumbling upon a trove of hidden treasures. Its resplendent plumage, accompanied by its entrancing serenades and elegant presence, enchants and bestows a touch of magic upon any landscape it graces. Thus, keep your senses attuned, for in the realms where the Emerald Starling resides, a mesmerizing spectacle awaits—its resplendent form and celestial melodies come together, forging an ethereal beauty that holds the power to captivate and inspire, reminding us of the exquisite wonders that adorn our natural world.

West African Emerald Starling | Such a beautiful bird at the… | Flickr