Rescued Elephant Undergoes Emergency Care at Sanctuary

A young elephant, weakened from a lack of food and water, has been safely transported to a sanctuary and is receiving urgent medical attention.

Wildlife officers diligently administer necessary care, including saline treatments, to restore the elephant’s strength.

Watch the video at the end.

They are investigating the cause of the elephant’s injuries, suspecting it may have been hurt either by being knocked down or by an explosion from a “Hakka patas” trap.

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The distressed young tusker has shown signs of severe stress and injury, prompting experts on the scene to offer their water bottles to keep the animal hydrated.

The officers’ dedication is remarkable, as they have spent hours under the sun without food, focused solely on the elephant’s well-being.

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Reinforcements have been called in to assist in transporting the elephant to the nursing home for further treatment.

Wildlife officers are now preparing for the most challenging part of their mission: safely loading the sick elephant onto the transport vehicle to ensure it receives the comprehensive care it needs at the sanctuary.

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