Scaly Ground Roller is a bird species native to Madagascar. It’s known for its striking appearance with scales-like patterns on its plumage. It’s a ground-dwelling bird and part of the roller family, characterized by their vibrant colours.

The Scaly Ground Roller is a bird species native to Madagascar. It’s known for its striking appearance with scales-like patterns on its plumage. It’s a ground-dwelling bird and part of the roller family, characterized by their vibrant colours.

The Scaly Ground Roller inhabits the rainforests of northeastern Madagasca, where they can forage for insects and small vertebrates on the ground.

It is one of my favourite birds from Madagasca, have photographed both at Andasibe and Masoala.

Andasibe is easy to access by car from Tana, whereas Masoala is more complicated to visit, but I prefer Masoala more, there are more cool birds there, at one point I nearly photographed two of those ground rollers together foraging on the ground near Arol Lodge. They are less skittish and