See the cute and colorful little Cuban tody (todus multicolor) bird that looks like it stepped out of a cartoon
- Latin name: Todus multicolor
- Unique beautiful feature: Multicolored plumage
- Where they are found: Cuba and outlying islands
- Size: Length: 3.9 to 4.3 inches (11 cm); Weight: 0.151 to 0.299 ounces (4.3 to 8.5 g)
- Diet: Insects, fruits, spiders, and lizards
The little Cuban tody is so pretty and colorful that it looks like it popped out of a Kinder Surprise.
Commonly found in Cuba and surrounding smaller islands, this tody is so small that it could fit in the palm of your hand.

As its Latin name suggests, it is a multicolored bird with a vibrant green head, wings and tail, white underparts, pink flanks, a red throat, and blue patches on each side of the neck.

The bird’s broad, flat bill is red on the bottom and black on top. Both males and females look alike.
Often seen in pairs, this species loves to live in thickets, woodlands, and evergreen forests nearby streams and waters where its multicolors blend in with local flowers.

When perched, this tody repeats a “tot-tot-tot” sound, but its unique call is a musical “pprreeee-pprreeee.” In flight, this bird’s wings make a loud whirring noise.
These monogamous birds love to chase each other in flight during courtship displays and offer food to one another. At the height of the mating ritual, their pink flanks will fluff up and fully inflate.