Senior Dog Unable to Jump Onto Bed Finds Comfort in Dad’s Shirt

Senior Dog Unable to Jump Onto Bed Finds Comfort in Dad’s Shirt


Molly has been with her family since she was only a little puppy, and has treasured every minute of her life with them. Her people are her dearest buddies, and she has to be near them every second of every day – even while they’re sleeping.

When Travis Wahl moved back into his parents’ house, he was most happy to finally be back with Molly аɡаіп. The pair are extraordinarily close, and even though Molly is over 14 years old now, Wahl still views her as the small puppy he received back when he was 12.

“She’s been with me ѕɩіɡһtɩу more than half of my life,” Wahl told The Dodo. “She enjoys seeing me play guitar. Sometimes I sing her Barry Manilow’s ‘Copacabana’ but modify the words to fit her like, ‘Her name was Molly. She is a good girl … etc.’”

Growing up, Molly used to sleep in someone’s bed every single night. She’s now quite large and very elderly, and getting on and off the beds is much more dіffісᴜɩt for her than it used to be. Molly is still adjusting to not being able to sleep in her family’s beds every night, so she now sleeps with one of Wahl’s shirts every night to stay near to him.

“She used to sleep in whichever bed anyone would allow her into,” Wahl recalled. “The last time I saw her sleep on a bed was probably July 4th, 2013. I don’t believe she bothers that she can’t go on my bed as long as she gets to sleep in my room every night.”