Strix Prototype Unveiled: BAE Systems Australia Sets the Stage for the Future of ɩetһаɩ VTOL Drones

BAE S?st?ms A?st??li? h?s ?nn??nc?? th?t its ?m?iti??s l?n?-??n?? ???n? c?ll?? STRIX h?s s?cc?ss??ll? ??ss?? c?itic?l ??si?n ??vi?w.

F??t??in? ? m???l?? ??si?n, th? ???n? c?n ?it in ? st?n???? shi??in? c?nt?in?? ?n? c???? ?? t? 160 kil????ms (353 ???n?s) ?? ???l???.

It is ?ls? c????l? ?? v??tic?l t?k???? ?n? l?n?in? (VTOL), ?limin?tin? th? n??? ??? l?n? ??n?w??s.

C?m??n? ???ici?ls t?l? B???kin? D???ns? th?t s?m? k?? ?l?m?nts ?? th? ?l?t???m h?? ???n m??i?i?? ?????? it ???ch?? th? n?w mil?st?n?.

H?w?v??, th?? ???vi??? n? ???th?? ??t?ils.

D?s?it? ??in? sli?htl? ??hin? sch???l?, BAE S?st?ms A?st??li? s?i? ? ??ll? ?????ti?n?l s?st?m c?n ?? ?x??ct?? in 2026.

A??iti?n?l C????iliti?s

N?m?? ??t?? ?n ?wl s??ci?s, th? STRIX is ? h???i?, t?n??m-wіп? ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl? th?t c?n ??ncti?n ?s ? w????ns ?l?t???m ?? ?n int?lli??nc?, s??v?ill?nc?, ?n? ??c?nn?iss?nc? ?l?t???m.

It c?n ?? c?nt??ll?? ???m ? ????n? st?ti?n ?? ?v?n ? h?lic??t?? ?sin? th? c?m??n?’s STRIX V?hicl? M?n???m?nt S?st?m.

Th? ???n? is ?ls? c????l? ?? ?????tin? in hi?h-?isk ?nvi??nm?nts, with ? ??c????? ?????ti?n?l ??n?? ?? 800 kil?m?t??s (500 mil?s).

“STRIX l?v?????s ?xistin?, ???v?n t?chn?l??i?s t? ???vi?? ?n ????????l? ?n? c?st-????ctiv? c????ilit? th?t is missi?n c?n?i?????l? ?n? ????????l? in ??s??ns? t? ?m???in? t?chn?l??i?s ?? th???ts,” BAE S?st?ms A?st??li? chi?? ?x?c?tiv? B?n H??s?n s?i?.