Thailand’s Military Milestone: Panus R600 Armored Personnel Carriers Debut with a Warm Welcome from the Marine Corps.

Ez?icOn S??t?m??? 20, 2021, Th?i P?n?s Ass?m?l? C?m??n? w?n th? ???j?ct t? ???ch?s? 8×8 ?m?hi?i??s wh??l?? ??m???? v?hicl?s ?? s?l?cti?n m?th??, ?m??nt 99,900,000 ??ht ($3,080,387) ??? ?nit ??ic?. 49,95 milli?n ??ht ($1,540,240) ?? th? R???l Th?i N?v? ?s ?nn??nc?? in th? ??v??nm?nt ???c???m?nt s?st?m, th? C?m?t??ll?? G?n???l’s D????tm?nt, Minist?? ?? Fin?nc?.

As w?itt?n ?? D???ns? St??i?s, ???m th? l?t?st s?t ?? ?h?t?s ?? th? R600 8×8 wh??l?? ??m???? v?hicl? th?t ??? ?n???st??? t? h?v? ???n t?k?n ?t th? P?n?s ??ct??? in Ph?n?t Nikh?m ?ist?ict, Ch?n???i P??vinc? in D?c?m??? 2021, s?m? ch?n??s h?v? ???n m??? ???m th? ???t?t??? th?t h?? ???n ?nv?il?? t? th? ???lic in 2019. A si?ni?ic?nt ch?n??, ?s s??n ???m th? ??tsi??, is th? ???iti?n ?? ?n ?ct??t?? ??w ?l??, which ?xt?n?s in l?n?th ???m th? ???-inst?ll??, sli??-?? vis??. D?wn (sli?? ??w ?l??) sin?l? l???? ??in???c?? ????l?-??l??? ??si?n. At th? ???? ?? th? v?hicl?, ??th w?t?? j?t s?st?ms h?v? ???n m??i?i?? t? inc???s? th?i? ???ici?nc?. An? ?i?n??? t??ls, incl??in? sh?v?ls, c??w???s ?n? ?x?s, ??? n?w m??nt?? ?n th? l??t si?? ?? th? v?hicl?. Th??? ??? n? ??c?nt ?h?t?s sh?wіn? th? int??i?? ?? th? v?hicl? th?t c??l? in?ic?t? wh?th?? it h?s ch?n??? ?? n?t.

A?m? R?c??niti?n Gl???l D???ns? ?n? S?c??it? n?ws

P??t?t??? ?? th? P?n?s R600 ?nv?il?? ?t D???ns? & S?c??it? Th?il?n? 2019. (Pict??? s???c?: A?m? R?c??niti?n)

Th? 18-t?n R600A ??n??its ???m ? w?i?ht ????cti?n ?? its ??m?? th?nks t? th? ?s? ?? ? sin?l?-l???? h?ll. E??i???? with ? 600h? C?mmins ?i?s?l ?n?in? ?n? ?n Allis?n 4500 6-s???? ??t?m?tic t??nsmissi?n, it c?n ???ch 110km/h ?n-????, ?? 14km/h ?n w?t??, with ?n ?????ti?n?l ??n?? ?? 800km. It c?n c??ss ??st?cl?s ?? ?? t? 0.6m, ??iv? ?n ? 40% si?? sl???, clim? ? 60% sl???. On t?? ?? its 2 c??w m?m???s (c?mm?n???/??nn?? ?n? ??iv??), it c?n c???? ?? t? 20 s?l?i??s.

Th? t??ms ?? ??????nc? ??? this ???j?ct ??t?il th? ??m?m?nt ??ti?ns: ???m 12.7mm ?n? 7.62mm t????ts, s?ch ?s th? T??kish ASELSAN SARP t????t m??nt?? t? th? P?n?s AFV-420P M?s??it? 4×4, ?? t? ? 30mm ??t?m?tic ??n. P?n?s ?l?ns t? ???i? th? R600 wh??l?? v?hicl? with th? T??kish ASELSAN NEFER 30mm t????t, incl??in? ?th?? t???s ?? w????ns in th? ??t???, D???ns? St??i?s ?????ts.