The Enchanting Palace Garden: A Majestic Aerial View of a China’s Emerald ‘Necklace’

Breathtaking aerial photographs have emerged, showcasing the stunning landscape surrounding May-ling Palace in Nanjing, China. The ingenious arrangement of trees forms a necklace-like shape, with the palace itself serving as the dazzling centerpiece, resembling a precious diamond. This picturesque garden has garnered the nickname of “the most beautiful necklace,” capturing the hearts of viewers across Chinese social media platforms.


Captured by talented photographers Tu Guoxiao and Mei Nin using a drone, the meticulous rows of French sycamore trees create the pendant and chain of this unique landscape masterpiece. At the heart of the pendant lies the exquisite May-ling Palace, embodying the essence of a radiant emerald jewel. The palace’s roof, adorned with green glazed tiles, undergoes a captivating transformation, reflecting shades of blue and green depending on the angle and lighting conditions.


In one striking image, the vibrant autumn leaves add a splash of color, further accentuating the beauty of the necklace pattern. Completed in 1932, May-ling Palace was initially designated as the official residence for the President of the National Government. However, rumors suggest that it was also a heartfelt gift bestowed upon Soong May-ling, a prominent political figure and the wife of Chinese military leader Chiang Kai-shek. Soong May-ling played a crucial role in the politics of the Republic of China during the 1940s.



Today, with its fusion of Chinese and Western architectural designs, the secluded May-ling Palace has become a beloved tourist attraction in Nanjing. Its picturesque garden, resembling a magnificent emerald necklace, serves as a testament to the harmonious blending of nature and human ingenuity. The awe-inspiring aerial photographs have captivated the imagination of many, allowing them to marvel at the magnificence of this jewel-like masterpiece.