The Root Contains The Largest Amount Of Water In The World: Enough For A Family Of four To Drink For Half A Year

In the wasteland of South America, there is a tree with a “simple and genuine” appearance. This plant looks like a big belly, the top of the tree has green leaves that look like the head of a turnip plugged into the ground, the shape looks very typical. It has many names such as rotating tree, Buddha’s belly tree, radish tree, … but locals favorably call it “bottle tree” or BaoBa.

The round belly of the bottle tree is filled with “life force”, and the tree is meant to give relief to thirsty travelers in the desert. Every time the rainy season comes on the wasteland, the plant with its developed roots will absorb water terribly and store it in its own body. Normally, the water capacity of a bottle mite plant is about 2 tons, which is a real giant natural bucket in nature.

Just dig a small hole in the tree and the water will flow out continuously. Bottle mites can solve the water shortage of people in the vast wasteland.

After this special plant was discovered, it was planted all over the world. Cicadas differ from other plants in that they only bloom red after the green leaves have withered, looking from a distance like a giant vase with bright red flowers.

In Africa, the bottle tree is used as a natural water cellar. Locals will make a hole in the trunk of the tree, which will quickly fill with water. When water is needed, locals carry buckets and climb trees to get water.

If only used as drinking water, the water capacity of the bottle tree can provide a family of 4 people to drink for half a year. But the amount of water that the bottle mite saves during the rainy season is to keep it through the long dry season. Extracting too much water, the plant may not survive the next dry season and wither. The bottle tree can be said to be a gift from nature to humans, it offers water without asking for anything, but if people take it like a chicken’s death to peck an egg, it will also be exhausted.