The shopkeeper’s act of kindness towards the stray dog resulted in the dog’s heartwarming response

Photo byjuanantonioenriqu64/tiktok

Winy Juan Antonio Enriquez ɱaпages a small shop in Nuevo León, Mexico, and has earned a devoted clientele in the local community.

However, there is one customer who stands out as the most loyal of them all.


Approximately one year ago, as Enriquez was getting ready to close his shop for the night, a solitary figure approached the entrance hesitantly. It was a stray dog who gazed up at Enriquez with imploring eyes.

“He arrived alone, very poorly fed,” Enriquez told The Dodo. “I gave him food, but he was very distrustful.”

Once the dog had devoured the meal, it vanished into the night. However, it wasn’t the last ᴛι̇ɱe the dog would make an appearance.


Over the following days and weeks, the famished stray dog would show up at Enriquez’s shop, often without warning. Each ᴛι̇ɱe, Enriquez would provide the dog with food, gradually gaining its confidence and trust.

“Little by little, he allowed me to touch him,” Enriquez said. “It took me more than a month before he would allow me to pet him.”

He named the dog Carlos.


With ᴛι̇ɱe, Carlos started to make more frequent visits to Enriquez’s shop to satisfy his hunger. Eventually, it became a regular occurrence.

“He comes every day,” Enriquez said. “In the morning, when I open my business, and at night, too.”

Although feeding Carlos on a regular basis comes at a cost, for Enriquez, the heartwarming response he receives from the dog in return for his kindness makes it all worthwhile.

Enriquez remains uncertain about Carlos’s whereabouts and activities between his visits, but he takes pleasure in feeding him and bringing joy to his life. Although he hopes to find a perɱaпent home for Carlos, he is content to provide for him until then.

“[Dogs like Carlos] are living beings who are so often ignored,” Enriquez said. “[But when we show them kindness], they are so grateful.”