Touching moment rescue dog Toby cuddles sick child on sofa

Toby was аdoрted by Mrs Crouch and her partner Jake – after his previous owner аЬапdoпed him outside a local bank.
The couple soon had a baby, Carter, and as the boy grew up he and Toby became inseparable.
In the footage, the pair can be heard watching popular kids’ TV show Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

Protective: When Carter’s mother, Devin Crouch, turns the сoгпeг while filming the touching scene, Toby’s paw is seen wrapped firmly around the рooгɩу toddler in an obvious display of compassion
The show sees Daniel the tiger invite a new generation of preschoolers into the Neighborhood of Make-Believe every day – sharing adventures with O the Owl and Katerina Kittycat.
It seems Toby and Carter are as indiscriminate about their choice of friends as the show’s characters.
Carter’s mother documents the pair’s close bond in a series of online blog posts, which see Toby and Carter asleep in bed together, playing in the garden and even in the bath.