Transform Your Small Space: Discover 17 Spectacular Trailing Flowers for Hanging Baskets

  •  Petunia: With their cascading blooms in various shades of pink, purple, and white, petunias are a classic choice for hanging baskets.
  • Lobelia: Delicate and dainty, lobelia produces a profusion of small, colorful flowers in hues of blue, purple, and white.
  • Fuchsia: Known for their elegant, pendulous flowers, fuchsias come in a wide range of colors and are sure to make a statement in your hanging baskets.
  • Ivy Geranium: These trailing geraniums feature vibrant blooms in shades of red, pink, and white, beautifully complemented by their lush, trailing foliage.
  • Million Bells (Calibrachoa): Resembling tiny petunias, million bells offer a profusion of small, bell-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors, including purple, pink, and yellow.
  • Bacopa: With delicate, star-shaped flowers in white or shades of blue, bacopa adds a touch of elegance and charm to any hanging basket.
  • Nasturtium: These vibrant flowers come in a variety of warm hues such as orange, yellow, and red, adding a pop of color and a hint of peppery fragrance.
  • Verbena: Known for its long, trailing stems and clusters of small, colorful flowers, verbena is an excellent choice for creating a lush, cascading effect in your hanging baskets.
  • Bidens: With their sunny, yellow flowers and fern-like foliage, bidens add a cheerful and airy touch to your hanging baskets.
  • Lantana: Offering a profusion of multi-colored flowers in shades of orange, pink, and yellow, lantana is a great choice for attracting butterflies to your hanging baskets.
  • Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas): Although primarily known for its ornamental foliage in shades of green, purple, or variegated patterns, sweet potato vine occasionally produces small, inconspicuous flowers.
  • Silver Falls (Dichondra argentea): The cascading, silver-gray foliage of Silver Falls creates an elegant, trailing effect that complements the colorful flowers in your hanging baskets.
  • Diascia: With their delicate, tubular flowers in shades of pink and coral, diascia adds a touch of grace and beauty to any hanging basket arrangement.
  • Trailing Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus): Trailing snapdragons offer cascades of colorful, snapdragon-like flowers that create a charming and lively display.
  • Lotus Vine (Lotus berthelotii): With its unique, exotic appearance and fiery red or orange flowers, lotus vine adds a touch of drama and elegance to your hanging baskets.
  • Scaevola: Known for their fan-shaped blooms in shades of blue, purple, or white, scaevola creates a captivating trailing effect in your hanging baskets.
  • Dichondra: This trailing plant with its round, silvery leaves adds a touch of grace and sophistication to your hanging baskets, whether used alone or combined with other trailing flowers.

So, whether you’re looking to create a vibrant floral display or add a touch of elegance to your small space, these 17 trailing flowers for hanging baskets are sure to meet your needs. Embrace the beauty of nature and transform your balcony or patio into a colorful oasis!